What is modded and what does it mean?
*** YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE THIS FORM TO JOIN OUR MAIN FAMILY FRIENDLY SERVER*** Click the word OHANA here for instructions on joining the main server!
While everyone here probably is familiar with the plugins we use to run Ohanacraft they might not know that they change the normal game environment a lot. Plugins allow for things like mail and most of our games would not be able to be played without plugins. However, plugins can only do what the game allows. Modded environments allow for programs to change the way that the game runs fundamentally. This change is not limited to game function but also adds additional blocks and resources machines. Think of Slimefun as a modded lite. true mod packs evolve anywhere from 2 to hundreds of different mods. The bigger the mod pack the harder it is to load and play.
What do i need to load a mod pack?
You will need either the twitch.tv launcher or a program Multimc5. Multimc5 is a free program that will allow you to launch Minecraft programs independent programs.
Twitch.tv allows for the easy one-click installation of mods but may not be for everyone. Multimc 5 can be downloaded from this website. https://multimc.org/#Download
For a tutorial on how to load a modpack to multimc watch this video from our monitored youtube channel.
How do I connect to the server? A whitelist application is found below. However, you will connect to each pack using modded.ohanacraft.us:portnumber each pack has a different port and will be pinned per server.
How many mod packs can Ohanacraft support?
Currently, we are running the following Survival modpacks: Skyfactory4 (4 GB RAM) and Dungeons Dragons &Space Ships(needs 6+GB RAM).
For our Role Play community, we have almost Life in the village in creative mode (3+ GB RAM)
We are going to be offering more packs in the immediate future including one that will help teach players the basics of most mods and another pack that will lower the min to 2 gigs.
I would like to thank ChimpyKong, MCTom987 and the tech team very much for setting up the Ohana modded server and helping me explain it to you guys! If you have any questions what so ever you can leave a comment or message Niteshadee, MCTom987 or chimpykong in-game or on discord 😀
*please note these games can be very ram intensive to join and do take time to bootup. We will try to get a min requirement chart available in the next week or two currently we are testing these.

We do require currently that you have played for a few days on our main java minecraft server at play.ohanacraft.us before we consider whitelisting you on our modded servers.