Hello all and welcome to Ohanacraft News number seventeen. The seventeenth venture to discover what’s new on the wonderful server; First things first we got four epic promotions! CyrilTheHero & Worm got promoted from Messanger to Explorer, Floof from Scout to Engineer and finally J677 got promoted from Explorer to Detective! Another big update is that Bedwars is now in active development headed by SeismicWaves, ArwenOC and other staff members, nothing I can share but that it is publicly known it is being worked on! Another big thing that’s happening is that Trokopops will soon be voting on the recently concluded “Buildcomp”! We also had some fun in Hide & Seek when the Pirates map was set on fire “accidentally”? It’s been handled but like yeah it was on fire!

You know what else is on fire? Safehaven II development, that’s right! New development on Safehaven 2, Version 1.2.0 has occurred and this week we are revealing the “Skeletal Tower” Built by Minecrafter10081! It will be home to skeletons and perhaps a new type of skeletal mob… which I will not show because the first model is quite embarrassing…

But our final thing that I want to say is “Thank You” to LucaPlaysMC for building this amazing tribute to our one and only Minecrafter10081

Alright well that’s it, I would like to thank our readers for reading these weekly news updates, I do them so you guys can keep up to date with the server and will soon perhaps start making a spinoff series:
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