Ohanacraft News: Week #12

Welcome to Week #12 of Ohanacraft news, today’s announcements and updates list is pretty mild, not
much happened over the last week, but a good reminder that the XMAS Buildcomp will be our 2022
Christmas event and it’s ending December 18th! So get in buildcomp, do /warp xmas2022 and hurry!
Next, the Beta Testing phase for Safehaven II will begin very shortly, a few minor things to attend to first
but… it will be here, oh and the release date is still December 17th!!!
REMEMBER: The Beta Testing will be for paid ranks, team oc, vet, and staff

Anyways that’s it for the news, hope you read the recent winter games post if not go here!
Oh and here’s a video I did on the games!
We also had a livestream!
Anyways that is it for now but I can tell you that more Safehaven stuff will be arriving soon… when? Idk
but mark your calendars the seventeenth is the date!
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Discord: https://ohanacraft.com/join-our-family-friendly-discord-server/
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ohanacraft