Ohanacraft News: Week #13

Welcome to Week #13 of Ohanacraft news, we have a ton of big things and announcements! Safehaven II,
Christmas Events, and ye!!
First of all…. Drumroll plz…. Buddhdhdhdhdhdhdhdh!!!! SAFEHAVEN 2 IS OUT! IT RELEASED ON
DECEMBER 17TH 2022! SO GO PLAY AND HAVE FUN! It’s got new mobs, worldgen, machines,
mechanics and is really fun and a bit laggy, soon I will have a post on how you start in Safehaven but for
now just enjoy it! 🙂 & I can promise a very big update is currently in development both to add new
content and fix bugs!
The Season Of Giving Arrived:
Santa’s Uncle Gargar greeted us good children in OC4 with our annual Christmas gifts, on Christmas Eve
and the day before, it was a funtime and after the giving we went onto racing by having a boat race in
OC4 that was setup by the same peeps, after that we went from racing to killing in /mini as we played
some winter games in /mini and big shock… it was chaos! 🙂
2023 & What’s New
Of course after the Holidays rolled away we entered 2023, 2023 will hopefully be a great year for OC and
already it’s proving to be so with a new release and two projects in development!

As of January 9th 2023 you can now play the third rendition of Fishslap a game first created by
RightyBird on TC and now has been passed down to Arwen and finally I have entered the team of game
developers as I was pretty much the solo programmer for this project. So have fun in /mini with fish
slapping while you await further things to come… Such as Cyril’s new parkour course in /games!?! Yep
he’s done it again, created a awesome and painful parkour course, now it’s not released but it’s been open
to beta testing which has resulted in… me raging, lol Finally for things to come, /legends will soon return,
hopefully due to what I have heard from Chimpy, the release date for /legends is unknown but when it
returns you’ll be able to enjoy and relive your TC4 memories.
Finally Safehaven II, version 1.2.0 is upcoming, when? Spring 2023 (Hopefully) and it’s a big deal! This
update will fix so many bugs, add so many mechanics and spark life back into Safehaveen 2! For some
features you can expect? Better Cobalt ore spawn rate, new forge machine, reverser machine and a lot of
other small tweaks and code rewrites… 🙂
Anyway that is it for now, so have fun and get hyped for the future!
Oh and we also had multiple live streams
Anyways that is it for now
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