Hello all and welcome to Ohanacraft News number sixteen. The sixteenth venture to discover what’s new on the wonderful server; Today we’ve got a ton of stuff to discuss: Build Battle, Buildcomp, Safehaven V2.0.0 and much more:
First things first I would like to thank our readers for reading these weekly news updates, I do them so you guys can keep up to date with the server and will soon perhaps start making a spinoff series: But first we must tackle the new build battle minigame! That’s right, a long requested minigame has finally joined Ohanacraft and it’s sure been a popular one “Build Battle” setup by SeismicWaves and J677 is now available to the public for a semi-beta test. While yes the game is mostly complete, there are a few bugs such as particles and heads not being permed to the builders. But with all that said from my playtesting it looks to be close to completed.

Another big update for the server is the fact that we have a new Buildcomp Event! “Won’t You Be My Valentine?” While that’s not the name, Valentine’s Day is the theme for this build comp and it will be concluding on the eighteenth of February 2023. Also for more information do /buildcomp and then /warp Valentines (it may or may not be case specific.)
Finally I would like to address the elephant in the room; that being where are the livestreams? Well the honest fact is that Niteshadee is a person and has a life and was unable to find time the past two weeks but rest assured the next stream will be on Feb. 5th 2023 at 4:00PM (Pacific Standard Time)
Alright now for more fun stuff; So what’s up with Safehaven II? We want the new update! Well I can’t give much away but I can show you this:

We also are having other builds made by:
MiniCrafterD, CyrilTheHero, MrSmall8 and of course Trokopops
Alright well that’s it, but unfortunately I cannot promise a post next week as I will be out of town so if it does release it will be late like the last one. But anyways, thanks for reading and bye for now!
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