First and foremost: This is a family-friendly server.
We have players of all ages on OhanaCraft. This is a safe place foreveryone to play, and the OhanaCraft Staff will vigorously defend this. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all, please respect the following rules
Chat Rules
No rude, vulgar, or inappropriate/adult language.
These words and topics have no place on Ohanacraft and their use may result in an immediate permanent ban.
English Only.
Ohanacraft uses only English in all chats including but not limited to: signs, books, chat, messages, mail, and in discord. Other languages are not allowed. This is so the Staff can keep Ohanacraft safe.
Do not advertise other servers, realms, websites, YouTube channels, or games.
OhanaCraft cannot be responsible for content on other sites, servers, YouTube or games. As a Family Friendly Community, we don’t want players directing other players to potentially offensive or dangerous websites and servers.
Do not spam.
Spam includes but is not limited to:
Repeating the same letter, symbol, phrase, or message more than 3 times in a row, typing nonsense or gibberish, and overuse of caps.
Don't ask for personal info.
It is fine to share some personal info such as your age or country but only if you want.
You may not ask others for any personal info.
No talking about religions, politics, or any other controversial subjects.
Conversation about these subjects are usually very opinionated, and can cause arguments, which isn't allowed.
- While these are mostly chat related rules, they apply everywhere on Ohanacraft. Including, but not limited to: Signs, Books, Private Messages, and Item names
Do Not Grief.
Griefing is the action of destroying someone else’s things (even if you are trusted), which may include:
Tearing down a build/building that isn’t yours.
Breaking into a build/building that isn’t yours.
Removing or adding blocks to a build.
Flooding with lava/water.
Locking or obstructing others’ chests. doors, and portals.
Destroying someone’s mobs.
Taking crops that are not yours without asking.
Building too close to another player’s claim. Give at least a 10 block buffer.
Do not steal.
Do not take items that do not belong to you. Examples of stealing include, but are not limited to, the following:
Taking items from someone else’s builds, chests, furnaces, dispensers, or shulkers.
Picking up items that someone dropped unless they gave them to you.
Taking items from any server structure.
No Bullying.
OhanaCraft is a special place. There is zero tolerance against bullying. Being mean to other players is not acceptable. Players come to Ohanacraft and are accepted for who they are and are treated as a friend. Do not insult another player by calling names, harassing or being cruel. You will not be welcome here and find yourself banned.
No harming players outside of PvP arenas.
Do not cause any harm to another player. This includes (but is not limited to):
Player traps (i.e. long drops, lava dispensers).
Intentionally causing suffocation or drowning.
Luring mobs to kill other players.
Tricking players into harming themselves (i.e. renamed poison potions)
Character Skins
No skins containing gore.
Any skins that show blood, violence or are scary is not allowed.
- No Inappropriate skins.
Skins containing innappropriate content are not allowed.
- No skins referencing horror games or movies.
Skins that are a reference to a character in a horror game or movie is not allowed.
Do not hack.
Hacking is changing how data is sent between the server and the client or using that data in a way not intended by the game. This includes (but is not limited to): X-ray mods, x-ray texture packs, and ore finders. Fly/Speed hacks. Inventory/Item hacks. Spam/Login hacks. Client hacks.
Do not exploit glitches.
Glitches are those weird little quirks that abuse the game’s code to make things happen when they should not. Most are harmless, but some can be extremely harmful to the OhanaCraft server. This includes (but is not limited to): Duplication/Infinite item glitches. Logout glitches. AFK kicker avoidance. Ender pearl glitches to get into closed off areas.
Respect The Staff
Every staff member worked hard to become part of the OhanaCraft Staff Family. They are here to help keep OhanaCraft a safe and fun place for everyone. If a staff member tells you to stop doing something, DO NOT ARGUE. Simply do as they say and allow all players to continue enjoying the server.
The OhanaCraft Staff are unpaid volunteers that play on the server too. Sometimes the Staff can get busy and have schedules to keep both in and out of game. If you have an issue that cannot be resolved easily in global chat by on-duty Staff or other players, please use /ticket create to explain your problem clearly and concisely. Tickets are not for immediate help but are for higher level staff to handle when they get online next. Do not abuse or spam the ticket system.
Report Misbehavior
Reporting behavior and rules violations.
You have the right to report poor behavior and rules violations of any player or staff.
Report any rules being broken to the staff immediately.
Use /msg to any of the staff to report it. If no staff are online, you may use /report and a staff will get to it as soon as possible.
- If you have a problem with a staff member, report it to a Paladin or Co-owner using /mail.