Vanilla world folders:
You can download these zip folders and play them in a single-player world if you want. You would need to unzip them and then move these world folders into your files for your single-player game on your computer.
You can download them from our archives page:

We all know you guys love doing role-plays in /creative, so we thought of something that could make them just a little bit more fun! Custom items! There are swords, wands, throw-able pokéballs, and more! This can all be obtained in the form of a resource pack. All of this is added with custom model data, so no items are removed from the game! Everything you see here can be obtained at the /creative spawn with a shulker box, just press control and middle click it or use whatever your pickblock key is with the control button and get your hands on these items. Now you’re probably wondering, How do I get the resource pack? How do I install a resource pack? How do I know if its working? You can download the file right from here! From there open file explorer and in the bar showing the directory you are in type %appdata% and then press enter, from there you can open the .minecraft folder, then open the resourcepacks folder, and put the texture pack file right in there. Now in game in the options menu open the resource pack menu, make the resource pack go from the left to the right, and hit done. Now once you have the items you can use them however you want!